This page provides some background information to help you understand what a gynaecologist is and whether is the right specialist for you.
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A gynaecologist is a doctor who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological problems (those related to the female reproductive system such as: vagina, uterus, ovaries and breasts).
Most gynaecologists work also in obstetrics, which focuses on pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period (they are often called OB/GYN).
Doctors who want to become gynaecologists need to complete a Gynaecology Training speciality course, which can take up to seven years.
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The most common problems treated by this professional are:
Benign conditions (for example, ovarian cysts, vulvar and vaginal ulcers)
Abnormal bleeding from the uterus
Cancers of the reproductive tract and breasts, and pregnancy-related tumors
Congenital abnormalities of the female reproductive tract
Cytology abnormalities (cell abnormalities, including those related to cancer)
Ectopic pregnancy
Emergency care (for conditions involving bleeding, for example)
Fibroids/myomas of the uterus
Pelvic inflammatory diseases
Pelvic pain – both acute and chronic
Benign breast disorders
Pelvic problems (including defects in the pelvic floor)
Disorders of reproductive physiology and hormones (for example, anovulation and hirsutism)
Early pregnancy loss
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Family planning (contraception, sterilization, pregnancy termination)
Sexually transmitted infections
Urinary and fecal incontinence.
During a visit, the gynaecologist will collect information about the medical history of the patient and might carry out a pelvic examination or a breast examination.
The consultant might also use some diagnostic and surgical procedures including:
colposcopy (microscopic examination of the cervix);
hysteroscopy (using an endoscope to see into the uterus);
ultrasound scanning;