This page provides some background information to help you understand what an osteopath is and whether is the right specialist for you.
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An osteopath is a specialist who can assess, diagnose, treat and prevent a wide range of health problems.
In order to become an osteopath, students have to complete a four/five-year degree course and register with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC). It is important to remember that in the UK, osteopathy is considered a complementary or alternative medicine (CAM).
Most people decide to see an osteopath if they experience problems with their muscles, bones and joints.
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The most common problems are:
lower back pain;
problems with the pelvis, hips and legs;
postural problems.
Osteopaths can also deal with other conditions, such as: digestive issues, sleeping and circulatory problems, migraines, painful periods and neuralgia.
During the first visit, the specialist will collect information about the patient’s medical history and he/she perform a physical examination. The patient might be asked to move around and make simple movements to check the range of motion of different body parts.
After making a diagnosis, the osteopath will choose a course of treatment, which might include: manual therapy (moving, stretching and massaging a person’s muscles and joints), exercises and lifestyle changes.
Cranial osteopathy, although can be used for adults and the elderly, is the gentle manipulation of a baby or toddler’s head and spine in order to make them more comfortable. It aims to relieve the tensions found in the cranium and consequently improve sleeping and feeding problems, colic and the functioning of the nervous system.